Online Dating Site – Register For Free on Match UK! Meilleur site de rencontre en 2024 entre adulte


© 2023 Match | Match is a meetic network website.
Broad visibility of your profile: By creating your profile on Match, it will be visible on the local variants of our service which use the same platform operated under different brand names. For more information about the terms of your profile’s extended visibility, click here.
For any complaints and enquiries you may contact us here. If we are not able to resolve a complaint, you may submit it through the EU online dispute resolution platform at Please note that a complaint submitted through the online platform will not be considered unless you have raised it with us first.

*Data based on an extrapolation from Dynata survey conducted in July 2021, among a representative sample of 2 004 respondents aged 18+ in the UK which has been combined with the total population of this age group (Source Eurostat 2020). 6% of interviewees claim having already met someone on Match.

**All profile pictures and descriptions are moderated.

***Data based on an internal study conducted between October 29th and November 16th 2018, among a representative sample of 1552 respondents aged 18+ in the UK.

****Internal data – average number of conversations (=2 messages exchanged between 2 members) starting on Match every month – January to March 2023.

*****Survey conducted by Dynata in July 2021, among a representative sample of 2 004 persons aged 18+ in the UK. 21% claim they know a couple who have met on Match.

ODA Member

We are a member of the Online Dating Association (ODA). We are committed to maintaining standards, protecting users and giving those users assurance as outlined in Our Guiding Principles. Further information about ODA can be found here. A link to our customer service arrangements is provided here.


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